Friday, October 19, 2007


It seems like I have a lot to say when I post these days. I can't ever come up with a title on just one subject! This seems like it's been a busy week too. I just thought I would post a few updates.

If you remember, Bi-bi was having problems with a "mean girl" at school and I sent a note to the teacher about it. The teacher pulled the girl aside and told her she is not to talk to, get next to, or communicate in any way with Bi-bi. She also talked to her about name calling, insulting, etc. Bi-bi said the first thing the girl did when she got back to her desk was look at Bi-bi and roll her eyes. The teacher sent me a note back letting me know that she would be monitoring the girl closely. She also asked that I let her know if Bi-bi mentioned any further problems. She said she asked Bi-bi to do the same. She said if it happened again she would take it to the next level and involve the principal. We will see what happens.

I finished reading The Choice last night. LOVED IT! Of course I love anything Nicholas Sparks puts in print. I am not one to write reviews but you can click on the link above and read about it. Now I will be waiting, not so patiently, for his next book to come out! Maybe I should start reading them over. I think my favorite was The Wedding.

My SIL is supposed to be having a liver test done today. I have not heard from her yet as far as how it went etc. But, the other night I called to check on them and didn't get an answer any time I called. That is highly unusual so I called her cell phone. She answered and you won't believe where they were! AT THE HOSPITAL! They had to take their son to the ER. He was having really bad pain in his mid-section. They thought it was his gal bladder. But I think after testing him they gave him some sort of "GI cocktail" they said should relieve him. They said if it flared up in the next two weeks to take him to his regular physician. They are not having good luck health wise. Please continue to pray for their family.

On a lighter note.....we were sitting here the night before last watching TV. There are a lot of cats in our neighbor hood. It seems that they sit on our patio quite a bit because they can see our cats inside through the door. Anyway...we are sitting here and it was about 8:00 so it was dark out. Something scratches on the door (it's a french door so it has glass panes all the way down). I had the blinds up so I glanced over and saw these paws on the door. I go over thinking it was the neighbors cat because she is black and white. IT WAS A BIG FAT SKUNK! PEW! It freaked me out actually. Of course it strolled on out the yard when I came to the door. No wonder I smell skunks all the time around here! Ah, yes, never a dull moment in this neck of the woods! LOL!

I hope you all have had a great week! I'll be "seeing" you this weekend!


Anonymous said...

P ewwwwwww about the skunk! Never heard of one scratching to get in. LOL!

Sorry to hear about your SIL and your nephew. Hope all is okay.

I love Nicholas Sparks. I haven't read The Choice yet, but I will.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous said... your new look.


Anonymous said...

A skunk? I've never seen or smelled one! That's too funny - guess he thought he was a cat!

Anonymous said...

Your new look is great!

by the way...i finally found some black toile in my town. if you still want a Paperback book cover let me know.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your new template, it's awesome! I adore red, and this one is just gorgeous :)

I have bought "The Choice" but not read it yet. He only comes out with books every 12 months or so, so I tend to hold on to them till closer to a new one coming out. Hehehe, I just can't wait that long between them, so I hang on them, isn't that weird! My favorites of his are The Notebook and The Wedding. Such awesome books :)

UGH on the skunk! We've had a problem with coons and possums in the past. We actually bought a large live animal trap at Lowes and have "relocated" about 8 of the critters before. I'm happy to say that since we got our dog last year, we've had a LOT less critters in our yard :)

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I like your new look!
Haven't gotten the choice but I see Stacy has so I might get to borrow it from her one day! I do have his book Dear John on my to be read list though, sitting here waiting on me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you never wanted a pet skunk, huh? So funny! A friend of mine had a skunk make a home underneath his house directly under his closet. Needless to say, he came to school smelling like a skunk! We still laught about that!

I hope things start looking up for your SIL's family. Sending prayers. And I hope the bullying is under control now!