Monday, December 1, 2008


I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving Holiday.  We ate A LOT.  Friday I had a stomach virus all day.  That was fabulous because we were supposed to go to NC to visit relatives.  Needless to say, that did not happen.  We did get to go Saturday.  I still don't feel 100%.  I did get some great pictures of the kids on Thursday.  I would love to show them to you BUT I deleted them all on accident.  What a dumb thing to do.  I was running my mouth with my sister in law while I was trying to delete just ONE and discovered I clicked the button to delete all.  Sheesh.  Cut me a break already.  Anyway, here are a couple taken after the fact. :)


Annie said...

ugh! how frustrating to be sick and delete your pics.
Those sure are cute!

Do you think we can put up the fleur de lys for the holidays?

gail@more than a song said...

Oh we have eaten way too much food too! Bummer on the pics, hope you get some more good ones....I hate when I do stuff like that.

Jenny said...

All I have to say is "allypexp"....that's the word for your word verification! lol!! I think it could certainly be said when you accidentally delete your pictures...