Friday, May 23, 2008

Good Days and Bad

So...just let me update everyone on my life.

Wednesday I had the pleasure of getting a "spa" pedicure thanks to my hubby. I have never had a spa pedicure before. I got to the salon and the girl sat me down in a very technology savvy pedicure chair. I mean I got the vibration, surges, and rollers the whole time I got my feet done! Then of course I got to soak my feet in that hot bubbly water. The girl proceeded to work on my feet using the standard files etc. In addition to that I got a eucalyptus mud mask on my feet, a lavender sea salt scrub, a massage from toe to knee with massage oil AND some wonderfully think lotion to top it all off. Needless to say when I left I was not worth a dime! I mean I was ready for some serious rest! But all of that luxury experience probably helped me remain calm on Thursday.

Thursday was the last day of school for Olivia. It was a short day. I go to pick her up at 11:15 am. I always turn off the car while I wait since gas is a million dollars per gallon there is no need to waste any! So, Grayson is in the back seat asleep. We wait about twenty minutes before she gets out. The teacher aide gets ready to call the students out so I start up my car. Uh. Yeah. Not so much. I turn the key and it won't do a thing! Panic mode. My husband works 65 miles from home. So I called my dad. He came with jumper cables and hooked me up. Thank God it started. Apparently my battery did not have any water in it. I didn't even know batteries had water in them! LOL! Anywho all is well now.

That pedicure sure did wonders for my disposition through it all. I was very laid back through the whole event. Which I am sure all parties involved were thankful for!

Hope you have had a great week!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds like a heavenly time at the spa! So glad your dad was close by, that would have panicked me too... I *think* I knew batteries had water in them, but I would have never figured it out on my own!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Your spa sounds great. I have never had a pedicure before either, I have made myself a goal that when I loose 5 more pounds my reward will be a pedicure.


Anonymous said...

Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I might have known batteries had water in them but I would never remember that if I needed to!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Judi. Your pedicure sounds divine! I've had one too and they are wonderful. You'll be sneaking a peek at your toes for days! Hugs

Anonymous said...

I would have died! LOL! I hate when stuff like that happens to me. I would have needed a pedi AFTER that little problem occurred! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Me wants a leg mask!!! My sister-in-law took me every two weeks for a pedicure when I was pregnant with Gus...those chairs were heavenly! Glad you experienced them! lol!

Anonymous said...

I head to the spa this Friday for some kind of facial something or other and a Swedish massage. Ooh-la-la!! I {heart} Swedish massages!!
I am loving the new look around here!!

Anonymous said...

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