Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Knew It Would Happen....

Yes, I knew it would. Another birthday. Puke! The big "3-6" is today for me. Puke (again)! I am so not liking getting older. As a matter of fact I have a really hard time with it. So, now you know. Happy Birthday to me, blah, blah, blah. Now, let's move on.

This morning my mother took me to IHOP for birthday breakfast. It would have been very relaxing and enjoyable. Yes, it WOULD have been if the lady behind us hadn't been complaining about every single thing on the planet. From the service to the way her husband cleans the toilet (or lack of), the way he doesn't put stuff back in it's proper place, the screaming "kid" in the back corner, the fact she had to get up and get her silverware, and ON AND ON. Come on! Whatever happen to enjoying life? Doesn't the Bible say something about complaining? Ya think?

I really had to fight with myself not to turn around and give her a mini-sermon on her attitude. If that was her last hour of life just think how she spent it! And anyway is any of the stuff she was harping about that important? NO! People like that just suck the life out of me. It makes me even more determined to be just the opposite. To walk in love and see the good side of things and not focus on drawbacks. I will pray for her today.

Ever day is a blessing straight from God. More people need to wake up and realize that. My friend Patti's illness and passing drove that home to me more than ever. We are never promised another day. And on top of that you could wake up tomorrow to something that would change life as you know it forever. I am so glad I know that no matter what happens Jesus is my Savior and my eternal home will be with Him in Heaven. I hope you can say that as well. Life is so much sweeter with Him!

That being said I am going to go enjoy the rest of my day!


Anonymous said...

I used to dread getting older, until I realized that it really beats the alternative!!! And anyway, you'll always be younger than me. Hope you have a happy birthday.

Anonymous said...

I hope the rest of your day has been a great one! Happy Birthday!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Happy Birthday! Glad you got to spend time with your mom and sorry about the unhappy camper at IHOP. You're so right, what if that ended up being one of her last hours here on earth?

Hope the rest of your day is joyous, wonderful and blessed! Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a very very wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hey it could be worse, in a few weeks I will be a year older than you, (puke) =)))

Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated!!

In a few weeks I will be 2 years older!! So don't feel bad!!

Anonymous said...

I will be 36 next month, so I feel your pain. And you are so right - every day is a gift straight from God, I feel sorry that she doesn't realize that!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I'm a bit late but trying to catch up. And you're still a young chick....you're right, the getting older stuff is no fun but it does beat the alternative. And you just decide you are young anyway, I try to do that and don't act my age! I tell my kids all the time I'm 39, I have no idea why they aren't buying it!

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness...I feel so bad that I missed reading this earlier so I could wish you a Happy Birthday on the actual day! I've been so behind in my blog reading. I've literally spent ALL day today trying to catch up.

Happy Happy Belated Birthday!
